How To Get The Most Out of Your Firefox

Mozilla Firefox LogoFirefox by default is already very powerful internet browser, but you are probably not getting the most out of it. Getting the most out of Firefox basically means doing more on Firefox with less time. That will definitely increase your productivity.

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SheepTech January08 Report Card

It is time for the very first SheepTech report card! The blog was started on 12th January, and has been running for just 19 days this month. Let’s have a look at the statistics for the first month.

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Delete Certain History Entry in Firefox

Firefox logoThere are several reasons to do so. When typing URL on the address bar on Firefox, a list of website addresses that you have previously visited will appear. For example, you previously visited, and the next time you type “ex” on your address bar, will appear as a suggested URL.

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ReviewME Back To 1999

Received an email notifying about an advertorial order just now, and when I check it out on my ReviewME account, I was shocked to learn that the advertorial was overdue—because I just received it today. And more shocking, it says the advertorial should be posted by 1999.

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