January 6, 2009
WordPress Schwag from Maya Received
On December 26, 2008, I had requested some WordPress schwag from Maya. About 11 days later, they are finally here, traveling all the way from the United States to Malaysia.
January 6, 2009
On December 26, 2008, I had requested some WordPress schwag from Maya. About 11 days later, they are finally here, traveling all the way from the United States to Malaysia.
January 5, 2009
To a software developer, tech blogger or a software reviewer, screencast can be very helpful in demonstrating a software feature or even a tutorial. No amount of words can give a better picture than an animated demonstration captured using a screencasting software.
January 4, 2009
I consider myself a loyal user of Windows Live Messenger. In fact, I started it using before it is renamed from MSN Messenger. I had once tried Digsby and Pidgin, and recently once again re-try Digsby, but they are just nothing near to my liking.
January 2, 2009
To watch a YouTube video in high quality on YouTube website itself, it is as easy as clicking the “watch in high quality” link, provided it’s available. Even when it is not available, you can use the &fmt=18 trick, which will work on most videos.
January 1, 2009
With TabCloser, you can close all tabs of a specific domain in just 2 clicks. After installing the Firefox add-on, there will be a ““Close all example.com tabs” option when you right-click on a tab.
December 30, 2008
Time is running out and you have not even started a bit on your project work? Then File Destructor might be able to help.