Revo Uninstaller: Better than your average uninstaller

Revo uninstallerUsing “Windows Add or Remove Programs” might be sufficient if you hardly install any softwares on your computer. But if you are adventurous in testing new softwares on your computer every now and then, you will need a more complete uninstaller so that it wouldn’t be a pain to to dump unwanted softwares, and more importantly to make sure nothing is leftover after uninstalling.

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Gmail + Google Gears = Offline Gmail

Gmail offlineGmail has been my primary email client for years already—for its simplicity, effectiveness and speed. With the new incoming feature in Gmail Labs, namely Offline Gmail, Google had successfully stopped me from bothering to look at any alternatives.

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Turn Off Screen Without Closing Lid

Laptop screen showing only): Turning off the computer screen can be as easy as a button press for desktop computers, but most laptops do not come with a button or even a shortcut key to do just that. If that is the case, you can either configure your laptop to turn off the display after x minutes, or simply close your laptop lid.

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