Firefox: ‘Set As Desktop Background’ Missing

Is the “Set As Desktop Background” option from your Firefox’s context menu (right-click option menu) gone or missing, for no apparent reason? It’s a handy option when you’re browsing for new wallpapers and wanted to see how it looks like on your desktop, and it’s such a pain when you know the option is missing.

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Further Customize YouTube Embed Player Color

YouTube glass logoBy default, YouTube offers 9 color schemes to colorize its video player for embedding. Although color customization of YouTube player is very flexible, since it can be manipulated using hex color codes, YouTube is not providing any easy way to do so for whatever reason.

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Turn Off Screen Without Closing Lid

Laptop screen showing only): Turning off the computer screen can be as easy as a button press for desktop computers, but most laptops do not come with a button or even a shortcut key to do just that. If that is the case, you can either configure your laptop to turn off the display after x minutes, or simply close your laptop lid.

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